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WIC logoWIC stands for the Women, Infant and Children Supplemental Food Program. WIC provides nutrition education and supplemental foods to promote healthy foods habits and choices. Services include: individual nutrition assessment and counseling, as well as issuance of healthy WIC approved foods and infant formulas. A person applying for WIC must be a pregnant woman, a breastfeeding woman who have had a baby in the last 12 months, a woman who has had a baby in the last 6 months, or a child from birth to 5 years of age. The person applying for WIC services must provide proof of identification, proof of residence and proof of income (income is based on 185% of the Poverty Level). You can contact the WIC Office at 919-718-4642.

"This institution is an equal opportunity provider"

Office hours:
Monday-Thursday 7:45am-5:30pm
Friday 8:00am-1:00pm

Phone Number:
(919) 718-4642

 WIC Eligibility        How Do I Apply     WIC Offers   WIC Breastfeeding Promotion and Support


Nondiscrimination Statement / Aviso de No Discriminación
WIC Referral Form